Valley View High School is an exciting opportunity for students in the Blue Springs School District. It is our goal to help students find success in a smaller educational environment. One of our most valuable tools to build success is our highly qualified and dedicated staff. Staff here is committed to developing ways to engage the students in experiential learning experiences. Along with their approach to supporting students they are highly qualified instructionally to guide students in their high school experience. The building approach as a team is positive in finding ways that work best for our students.
We believe that the students who attend Valley view will have a unique opportunity to set a new standard for their own educational future. Our doors are open to all eligible high school students in the Blue Springs School District to partner in developing a path to success. Expert counseling services for students and families are an integral part of the success of the building.
The expanded curricular offerings including the number of elective and vocational options allow student the ability to earn their credits toward a diploma at Valley View. In addition we also offer flexible scheduling to give students opportunities for off-campus experiences.
With a commitment to do what is best for students, we welcome you to Valley View.